The Yes Men

into healthy, hygienic,
and even delicious food once again.

With the use of this technology,
a single hamburger, for example,
can be eaten more than ten times,

providing a cumulative total
of three times the nutritional value

of the original fresh hamburger.
Now, again, a certain amount
of cultural openness is required

as we investigate solutions.
And I'd love to take any questions.
Yes, you've been...
Coming from a Third World country,
I found most of what you said
pretty offensive.

It's as if everyone is equal,
but some are more equal than others.

And...who is to say
whether people in the Third World
want a burger?

You know, I, in my heart,
sometimes find it to agree

that cultures deserve
an equal consideration

perhaps to develop on their own terms,
but we're different.
We're culturally different.
We're rich, they're poor.

This is the most humane solution
we can come up with

that stays within the market logic.
If it's all right, I could answer
a portion of that question, as well.

And this answers the question
about desire for the product

because the biggest growth areas
are the developing world.

And so, in fact,
people do want the product.

We do have a kind of video presentation
about this that I came prepared to show.

It's not-the program isn't actually
completely ready yet.

So, as you can see here,
there's a consumer in the First World

entering McDonald's
and consuming a hamburger.

And, afterward, this is the process
we're all familiar with.

I don't need
to explain it to anyone.

You see, it's rendered out
in this style

because studies have shown
that consumers are most responsive

to 3-D animation right now,
particularly in developing cultures.

So, as you can see,
it goes through a piping system,
