Zaak Alzheimer, De

Died with his father in a house fire
at the age of 17.

Juicy detail: it was suspected
that Angelo lit the fire himself.

His first murder.
Another spicy detail:
Angelo has a brother.

Paolo Ledda.
I've got the address here.

A bar in the Kerkstraat.
Right now,
he lives in St. Ursula.

Linda, Coemans,
search that bar.

We're going to his brother.
- Bring some grapes.

I don't know.
It's only a drawing.
It could be.

The chaplain. He'll know more
about it.

He had him in his class.
Paolo, having visitors?
Chief Vincke. I'm investigating
Angelo Ledda.

What good does that do?

Man, stuffy! Jesus.
It's been empty for months.
Have a look.

His father's house.
Get a search warrant for that too.
I always said that Angelo
should be three classes up.

Highly gifted?
- Incredible memory.

And not really a bad boy.
He did everything for everybody.
Sometimes something stupid happened,
somebody calling him 'lice head',

or kicking
his shins,

then he'd go ballistic.
