Zaak Alzheimer, De

but when you have problems,
you drag everybody down with you.

Guilty, innocent,
doesn't matter.

If you're looking for
a friend... Don't bother.

Let's not talk
about me. Waste of time.

What's the deal?
We patch you up,
we protect you,

and you fill the gaps
in our investigation.

The baron, chief.
The baron must hang.
If he's our man, absolutely.
Tell me.
Should he be able to follow too?
Let me start from the beginning then.
Mrs. Van Camp.
- Chief Vincke.

Bad news?
Mum, who is it?
It's ok, Ine.
It's for me.

Did you find the murderer?
A man from Marseille.
- The murderer. The real murderer?

There's a problem, Ledda.
I have the story, but there's
no evidence against the baron.

You have my testimony.
- Your testimony?

Shall I tell you what
a testimony is worth?

A woman and a child are hit
by a car in the street.
