A Home at the End of the World

- You're here.
- I can't believe it, man.

You're here.
- How was your trip?
- It was a trip.

Your new home.
Welcome to the Tarantula Arms.

I know, it's a lot.
Hey, man, you got bootleg Dylan.
- Is he here?
- He's here.

Welcome, Bobby.
Bobby, Clare, about whom
you've heard so much.

- Hi.
- I am so glad to finally meet you.

Me too. You.
Thanks for letting me, you know,
crash here for a while.

Well, come on. Grab your things,
get settled in. Come, Jonathan.

I like a little respite from all the décor.
You wanna go out to dinner,
or do you want to unpack first?

I mostly brought, you know...
- Let's go out.
- Okay.

- Have fun, boys.
- You come too.

Well, l...
No. You guys need
a little time alone, I think.

No, really. Come.
I'll just put on my other eye,
and we're out of here.
