A Killer Within

Who´s gonna baby-sit

not that girI with
the bIack fingernaiI poIish?

-OK. Sarah I can Iive with.

Christopher, stop drawing
on the tabIe now.

What´s going on out here?
He feII off the chair.
Can´t you pick the kid up?
Addison, he needs to Iearn
how to sit in a chair.

You aII right? Come here.
Come on. Let´s go coIor.
AII right?

I don´t think we need to be
going out tonight.

-Why not?
-Because you´ve been...

drinking too much...
not to mention I´ve got to go
back to the office...

and do some work.
Christopher, go to your room,
pIease, sweetie.

I´m sorry.
Don´t take it out on him.

Oh. You´re sorry?
WeII, then that makes it
aII right then, doesn´t it?

I better canceI
our dinner reservations.

Oh, you´re so thoughtfuI. Gee.
And whiIe you´re at it,
why don´t you caII Sarah...

and teII her not to come over?
