A Killer Within

Did you see anyone?
No. I got Christopher,
took him back to my house...

diaIed 911,
went back to check on Becky...

We Iive just a few houses down.
The rest you know.

´´We´re even now´´ written
on the waII.

What do you think that means?
I don´t know.
Do you remember Sonny Bruton?
The DNA evidence in this case
is irrefutabIe.

The defense is arguing
that there are...

extenuating circumstances
because Sonny Bruton...

was abused as a chiId.
My heart goes out
to that boy of Iong ago.

When you two were
with the D.A.´s office...

you prosecuted Sonny Bruton
for the rape and murder...

of three coIIege girIs.
He tied them to their beds
with their own underwear...

the same way your wife
was found.

Sonny Bruton is serving three
consecutive Iife sentences...

without paroIe.
He was reIeased five days ago.
-Cut a deaI with the State.

-Austin poIiticians.
-You didn´t know about that?

No, I didn´t know about that.
Seeing as how you were
the prosecuting attorney...

the ParoIe Board contacted you
the day after he was paroIed.

You´re gonna find him, right?
You know, Bruton spent
six years in the sIammer...

ratting on everybody he can
to get out.

The first thing he does when
he´s free is kiII your wife?

He must reaIIy hate you.
WeII, Iucky for us,
your son survived...

and when he recovers,
he´II probabIy be abIe...

to identify the kiIIer.
He´s four.
He´s a witness, my onIy witness.
Thank you, gentIemen.
One more thing, TerriII.
Bruton Iikes to take souvenirs.
Your wife was strangIed with one
of her own stockings.
