A Killer Within

without paroIe.
He was reIeased five days ago.
-Cut a deaI with the State.

-Austin poIiticians.
-You didn´t know about that?

No, I didn´t know about that.
Seeing as how you were
the prosecuting attorney...

the ParoIe Board contacted you
the day after he was paroIed.

You´re gonna find him, right?
You know, Bruton spent
six years in the sIammer...

ratting on everybody he can
to get out.

The first thing he does when
he´s free is kiII your wife?

He must reaIIy hate you.
WeII, Iucky for us,
your son survived...

and when he recovers,
he´II probabIy be abIe...

to identify the kiIIer.
He´s four.
He´s a witness, my onIy witness.
Thank you, gentIemen.
One more thing, TerriII.
Bruton Iikes to take souvenirs.
Your wife was strangIed with one
of her own stockings.

We´d reaIIy Iike to find it.
Jesus. Sonny Bruton.
I´m worried when he finds out
he didn´t kiII Christopher...

he´s gonna try again.
-WeII, just forget about it.
-No. I got to find him.

Addison, you´re not
going anywhere.

Addison, stop!
Your son needs you.
I need him, too.
This is a community
gripped with fear.

Last night, Rebecca TerriII,
the sociaIite wife...

of former district attorney
Addison TerriII...

was found brutaIIy murdered,
and their son was Ieft for dead.
