A Killer Within


How´s he doing?
The doctor says there´s
no permanent damage.

He´s gonna Iet him go
sometime today.

You want Sarah and I
to Iook after him...

untiI you can make
other arrangements?

You guys have done
so much aIready.

I can´t ask you to do that.
Then don´t ask.
God. I got to go see Vargas.
Jesus Vargas?
I thought he hated you.
Oh, he does, but he hates
Sonny Bruton more.

Hey, what are you doing?
You can´t do that.
You´re not a cop.

They fired me. I didn´t quit.
OK. We´re gonna take this
step by step.

Are you OK with this...
or are you going to
Iose it on me?

No. I just...
I mean, my wife used to keep
this pIace so spotIess.

I´m good.
Kitchen window´s broken.
Forced entry.

You set the aIarm when you Ieft?
What time was that?

About 7:00.
We don´t know what time
Bruton showed up.
