Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London

I already have a clarinet.
This is your new
clarinet then, isn't it?

Kumar's gonna take you
to the Kenworth estate, OK?

So I guess this is good-bye.
A little hot still.
It's OK. Don't worry.

You're not gonna be able
to get rid of me that easy.

I'll be around.
Agent Banks?
Don't forget your yo-yo.
How come I get
a retainer and a clarinet...

and James Bond
gets an Aston Martin?

All in good time,
Double-0 Junior.

Carry on, my little doves.
Hey, Cody, don't forget
your clarinet.

Good luck, mate.
Our American protege
has finally arrived.

Cody Banks, I presume.
Welcome to England.

Oh, do hurry up, Trival.

We've got company.
I would've picked you up
from the airport myself...

but I forgot.
I took some cold
medicine an hour ago...

and I'm completely pickled.
May I take
your bags, young sir?

Oh. Oh, sure.
Thank you, sir.
No, Trival. This way.
Of course, ma'am.
How silly of me.

Inside to the house. Inside.
Now I'm sure you're
just dying to meet...

the rest of the students.
Just dying.
Inside to the house. Inside.
Darling, meet our new arrival.
Charmed, I'm sure.
This is my husband Duncan.
Cody. Clarinet.
You don't look like a clarinet.
