Art Heist

No dice. Absolutely not.
Al, will you do Mommy a favor
and go up and get my jacket for me, please?

What? I'm not gone a month here
and you changed the locks.

Berate me when I get back.
So, you're off
to your old stomping grounds.

It's not what you think.
I have to go smooth Victor Boyd's feathers.
This whole thing is my fault.

I'm the one who convinced him
to hang that painting in Barcelona.

If it weren't for me, it'd be still hanging
in his bathroom in the Hamptons.

Victor Boyd.
You know I hate that rich asshole.
- 50 cents.
- For what?

Mommy says whenever you swear,
you got to give me 50 cents.

50 cents. Is that right?
- What the hell is this?
- Now it's $1.

You're killing me, kid.
How is this? Victor Boyd, that rich...

- Dork is fine, too.
- Dork?

Give me a kiss.
One more.
I got you.
So, he gets this
outrageously expensive trophy ripped off...

and you got to go globetrotting
to the other side of the earth?

- Shame just for a painting.
- It's not just a painting.

It's an El Greco.
Some people dedicate their entire lives
to studying them.

Dedicate. Waste.
Let's not split hairs here.
Cab's here.
