Before Sunset

We would end up doing nothing
at all with our lives.

Do you think you would you would
have finished your book, if...

if you were fucking
somebody every 5 minutes?

I might have welcomed the challenge...
But, you know, it's not true,
for your wife,
after the birth of your son...

She has to give all her
love to the little one!

Imagine that she was totally
obsessed with sex, right?

And you like walk out...
That wouldn't make any sense, right?
Everything you say makes sense!
It's... it's not about sex. I...
No, I know, it's...
You know, couples are
so confused lately.

I think it must be that...
men... need to feel essential,
and they don't anymore.

Because it's been imprinted
in their heads, for so many years,

that they had to be the provider...
Like, I...
I'm a strong independent woman
in my professional life.

I don't need a man to feed me,
but I still need a man to love me,

and that I could love, you know.
Your driver's here.
Well, I guess this is goodbye, and...
- You'd better give me your...
- No, no...

Why don't we just give you a ride home,
wherever you're going.

Well, I can take the Metro...
No, no, no.
My flight it's not until 10, right?
I think I'm arriving two hours early.
This way we can keep talking.

Ca vous arrive me deposer au passaje
Dix Rue et Curie?

Oui, oui.
No, no, ce n'est pas de probleme!
Vous pouvez me laissez au metro...
au metro Chateau d'Eau.

- Ca ira tres bien.
- Entendu!

You told him where you are
and all that?

Oui, oui, yeah.
- So, he knows where he's going?
- Yes.

Let's hope he does.
Now, this is better than Metro, right?
I was thinking...
For me it's better I don't
romanticize things as much anymore.

I was suffering so much all the time.
I still have lots of dreams, but they're
not in regard to my love life.

It doesn't make me sad,
it's just the way it is.

Is that why you're in a relationship
with somebody who's...
