Beyond the Sea

Mange tak.
"Hello, young lovers, whoever you are
"I hope your troubles are few
"All my good wishes go with you tonight
"I've been in love like you
"You be brave, young lovers,
and follow your star

"Brave and faithful and true
"And cling very close to each other tonight
"I've been in love like you
"And I know how it feels
to have wings on your heels

"And to fly down the street in a trance
"You wing down that street
on the chance that you'll meet

"And you meet, not by chance
"Don't cry, young lovers, whatever you do
"Said don't cry because I'm alone
"All of my memories are happy tonight
"I've had a love of my own, hallelujah!
"I've had a love of my own like yours
"I have had... a love...
"...of my own!
Tak og velkommen på Copacabana.
Hva' siger i til Richard Behrke her oppe?

Jeg er meget beæret over at være her i aften
på Copacabana.

Det har altid været...
min drøm at spille på denne natklub.
Og øh...i den forbindelse vil jeg gerne øh... hylde
to kvinder i mit liv.
Min øhh... Mor Polly...
drømte om og troede altid på,
