Bride & Prejudice

MRS BAKSHI: Is that his name?
I completely forgot
groom is bringing guest from England.

Apparently, he's a barrister.
Is that right? A barrister?
And his family live in Windsor,
near the Queen's castle.

Really? Next to the Queen?
Oh, his sister is looking so lovely.

So fair, nah?
- Who's that Englishman with him?
- He's American.

His name is William Darcy.
He was Balraj's fast friend at Oxford.
From one of the richest families in America.
They own hotels all over the world.
Shame he's not Indian, though.
(Both laugh)
Sure you're OK about going away to London?
You only met him twice.

He's nice and so is his family.
You need to get out of this town, Lalita.
You know there's nothing for you here.
All the guysjust want girls from rich families.
Papa needs me. I couldn't leave.
His friend Balraj is great.
He's looking for a girl too, you know.
Good Lord, is it me,
or is every woman over 50 giving you the eye?

Don't be dense, Darcy.
Every mother in this room is wetting
her knickers for him for their daughters.

- Can we leave yet?
- Kiran, I'm his best man.

I can't just bail out on him, can I?
It's 10am in New York.
I wouldn't mind getting back early

so I can go through the financials
on that hotel in Goa.

Will you stop working, just this once?
And you stop being such a coconut.
This is our dear, dear motherland. Enjoy it.
The only thing India's good for is losing weight.
Are you sure this is safe to eat?
I don't want to get Delhi belly on my first day.

(Lively drumming starts)
- What's happening now?
- The Indian version of American Idol.

I hope you've brought earplugs.
This is where the girls tease the boys,
and the boys tease the girls.
