Bride & Prejudice

It seems they had nothing
in their lives before today

And why are they so happy
to give a daughter away?

You've got what you always wanted
and for that I am glad

But just take a look around you,
the city has gone mad

Can't wait for the day,
can't keep our shoulders down

God bless you for getting
this marriage into town

A marriage has come to town
Laughter, colour, light and sound
Life is great, let's celebrate
The sacred union two souls have found
A marriage has come to town
Laughter, colour, light and sound
A marriage has come to town
Laughter, colour, light and sound
Èau, èau.
Vyzerajú tak rozpálene, že?
Jaya by si ho mala zhrabnú,
zvies ho predtým, než odíde,
správne ho navnadi tak, aby
sa vrátil spä žobrajúc.

Že sa tak dobre vyznáš, èo?
Viem dos, aby som vedela, že ak by sa
ten prekliate rozkošný Darcy pozeral na ...
