
but it gets them nowhere.
Doctor, 7,000 men in jail!
There are 1,800
in this pavilion alone.

If they knew how AIDS is spread,
that 'd already help.

They catch the disease, then have
sex with their wife, girlfriend...

so there's no stopping
the epidemic.

The only ones who'll listen to your
advice are the really smart ones...

who only want to get out alive
in order to keep robbing.

that's their whole life.
Maybe. But they're living
at the center of the disease.

They're the prisoners here.
Prisoners? They own this jail.
The only reason...

this place doesn't explode
is because they don't want it to.

God bless you, child.
I didn't know you had a family.
I thought I'd lost it.
My whole life in jail, but even
so, I raised 18 kids...

and not one of them has even been
near a police station.

That girl, my youngest, she said
she no longer remembers my face...

so she's decided
to come and visit.

I'd like you to authorize
me to see her...

on a day other than Visitors Day.
I don't want my daughter
around all the scum.

that's going to be tricky.
What if the 7,000 others
ask me the same thing?

Excuse me.
Good morning!
Need anything, Doctor?
Coffee, sugar, chocolate?

Soap, toothpaste?
Joints are only two packs
of Marlboros each. Want one?
