Cha no aji

The color of the burning sky, the smell
of the warm earth Who is that calls?

Why am I not running, now that
I've been released in the field?

Right, then Another poetry recital
from the vice principal

Now, Murakami, anything on behalf of
the student council?

Um this is what we decided
at our last meeting

1 Don't pick fights with Yamaguchi
2 Don't throw stones at his house
Sachiko haruno was wondering
When on earth was that giant version of
her going to disappear?

And whenever she wondered, there was
a story she always remembered,

as she was doing now,
a story told by her uncle

You know that pond you often go to?
That area used to be a forest
Folks here called it the haunted forest
And so well
dunno, maybe kids these days don't
believe in haunted forests but

I guess
You guess ? Anyway, er
Oh, yeah

So I was in 6th grade
No, in 5th about 5th grade
In the haunted forest?
Right, where I took a shit outdoors
for the very first time

Shit outdoors?

For some reason there were
lots of wild chickens out there
