There have been three papeles
One here, one in San Paolo,
one in Delhi.
If this doesn't stop,
I'm going to lose my own cover.
I'm sorry. This is the first time
my intuition's let me down.
I think he had an accomplice.
A certain Maria Gonzalez.
She's gone.
What do you mean gone?
I was told she had a body issue.
It was all official.
Video Listo Corporation.
Hello, I just tried to get into
my apartment and it won't work.
We have your number listed
as temporarily discontinued.
- Do I look discontinued to you?
- No, but you may be the holder.
- That's not my problem, is it?
- Give me your palabra.
I'll provide you with a terminate
window to re-code your video listo.
That'd be great, thank you.
- Your palabra?
- Panoplia.
Did you know
what you were looking for?
Were you hoping
I'd left you a clue?
Like Hansel and Gretel
being dragged off into the woods.