Comme une image

I'm enormous. I'm still overweight
by at least ten pounds

I'm not trying this on.
I'll look like a hooker

How do you know? This store
has great stuff and you won't try

There's nothing in my size
At least try that one on
I'm sure you'll look great

- You won't try it?
- I just hope I fit in the booth

I'm sick of getting suckered
He says, let's do this
I think, he's being nice. What's this?

But he doesn't care.
And neither do I

- Your father adores you
- Yeah, right

Anyway, I like going shopping
with you

I often want to ask you to do stuff.
Like go work out with me

- I'm afraid you'll brush me off
- Ridiculous!

But it's hard for me...

- No, the top. Ridiculous
- Let's see

Sure, if you stand like that.
Very pretty. Really

It looks great on you.
If I had your bust, believe me...

Really. Buy it. Do it for me
OK, I'll buy it but I won't wear it
And the black sweater
- You have black sweaters
- Not like this one

Funny. I thought today
I'd have nothing. But then...

Happens a lot. I arrive depressed
I don't feel like singing
