Comme une image

And afterward I feel great
Singing is euphoric
- I love your ring
- Thanks

I wanted to see you
about the group's rehearsals

Excuse me. My father asked me
to give you his number

Your husband should call him. There
Because he loved his book
All right, I'll tell him
Étienne Cassard
The writer?
He's your father?
I didn't know that
I really admire him
Funny. I ran into him at a party
He was with...

Well... I saw him go by
With a young woman.
I thought, his daughter

- His wife
- His wife?

Well, doesn't matter
He's your father
So what were you saying,
about the rehearsals?

Oh yes
What I wanted to say is...
It's good. You have nice voices.
It's an interesting project

:23:16 requires a lot of work
It's a lot of work
So what are you saying?
We should see you more often?

That's rig ht, yeah. Among other things
Well, see you tomorrow
