Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen

who brought us into this world
don't understand that we must
fly away from the nest.

Nature is telling us to go.
And our parents are good people.
They love us.
Yeah, they love us, right?
They really love us.
I'm sure they'd hate
if anything happened to us.

Wait here one second, okay?
Don't cry.
It's gonna work out.

We'll go, and it'll be fun.
I can't lie!
Mom, it's amazing how sometimes
I come to your conclusions.

Ella and I could use,
as you say, adult supervision.

-So here's the plan.

You drive us to the train
in broad, broad daylight.

Ella's parents are
going to be in New York.

They'd be happy to pick us up
at Grand Central Station.

They'll drop us off
at the concert.

We'll stay overnight
at their hotel.

Sounds so safe, I know.
I can't believe
it came out of my head.

Okay, I'm gonna have to talk
with Ella's mom and dad.

Of course, and when you do it,
do it gently.

-They know nothing about this.

And try and remember,
we're in suburbia.

Yeah, yeah, I know.
It wouldn't hurt if you threw in
that microwaves aren't that bad.

Well, see, Mary feels
she really must see the concert.

Is that how you feel, sweetie?
You must see
these Sidarthur people?

It's their last performance.
Well, why didn't
you just ask, pumpkin?

I didn't know I could.
All right, your mother and l
are going into the city

on Thursday for a long weekend.
We'll pick them up.
They can stay with us
at the Hilton.

Which is down the street
from the concert.

Well, that would be great.
Oh, it's as if the heavens
wanted this.

Miss Baggoli,
someone broke the heel.

No! Oh!
Girls. Everybody.
Listen up.

General announcement, everyone.
Costumes are sacred.
Costumes are sacred.
