Confidences trop intimes

My mother was driving.
She killed my father
and I have almost killed my husband.

Now you've got the whole picture.
- How strange...
- What?

The accident which repeats itself,
from mother to daughter.

Did you get rid of the sad woman?
Yes, poor thing.
She had been there for thirty years...

- Have you lived here for thirty years?
- Longer than that.

I was born here,
I have never moved.

This office was my father's.
When he retired he left it to me.
And you put your toys in here...
As you can see.
This is funny.
What's it's name?
Is it a secret?
My taw-taw.
What does it mean?
"My toy"?

I think so.
Careful, please. It's fragile.
And what did your father do?
Same as me.
Oh. Also this repeats itself,
from father to son.

I would never imagine
I'd do his same job.

When I was a teen I wanted to be an explorer
to conquer a lot of women and the world...
and then the world reduced itself
to this apartment.

- But don't you ever travel?
- Yes, for my job.

Last year I went to Belgium.
And how about the women?
Are you single?
