Ellis in Glamourland

Other peopIe wouId commitmurder
for whatyou get offered on a pIate!

And you turn up your nose atit.
Don'tspitin a gifthorse's mouth.
And certainIy notif he's amiIIionaire.
I don't getit.What's the difference
between that course and...

...Miss Scheveningen Beach 1988.
What's that got to do with it?
You waggIed your ass in pubIic
in a swimsuit to win a beauty case!

Itwas a midweek to DisneyIand with
700euro hair-care products!

So why notwaggIe your ass for this?
I don'twant to, Anita! I have my pride.
That's aII I have Ieft!
Pride won't getThijs to a soccer camp!
It can't hurt to try.
Maybe overdrawn?
ImpossibIe. Ijust gotpaid.
You want to putsome back?
I'IIjust check.
I can't pay the supermarket biII.
You said you'd paid Thijs' aIIowance!

It's great that MireIIa has a super-griII,
but I can'tbuy any fucking miIk!

He was Iooking forward to camp!
You'd pay and pick him up...

You shouId have seen his face!
Shut up and keep your money!
I don'twantit!

Stickitup your ass. PIenty of room there!
Coming, Thijs?
- Yes?

Can we have a dog too?
