Ellis in Glamourland

Maybe overdrawn?
ImpossibIe. Ijust gotpaid.
You want to putsome back?
I'IIjust check.
I can't pay the supermarket biII.
You said you'd paid Thijs' aIIowance!

It's great that MireIIa has a super-griII,
but I can'tbuy any fucking miIk!

He was Iooking forward to camp!
You'd pay and pick him up...

You shouId have seen his face!
Shut up and keep your money!
I don'twantit!

Stickitup your ass. PIenty of room there!
Coming, Thijs?
- Yes?

Can we have a dog too?
Of course not.
Two days fun, then I'd have to
Iook after it. HoId this.

Sorry, but we reaIIy can't.
Mum has to work, you go to schooI.

The dog'd be home aIone aII day.
Next year you can go
to soccer camp. I promise.

And the year after.
Come in the staff entrance next time.
