
We come and got ya,
so you wouldn't miss the trip.

What trip?
- Where are we going?
- What do you mean, where are we going?

We're going to see the Mighty
Reds do the frogs in Paris.

Aren't we, boys?
Why are you yelling at me?
So I tell the swamp donkey
to sock it

before I give her a trunky
in the tradesman's entrance

and have her lick me yardballs!
Wow. You guys are on a completely
different level of swearing over here.

Coop? Cooper,
we're going to Paris.

I know. Cecil told me.
Mieke's in Berlin.
We're not going to Berlin.

What are we gonna do?
We need a plan.

See what I'm talking about?
This is predictable Scotty talking.

Relax. Paris is practically a suburb
of Berlin. It's a nothing commute.

That's why France and Germany
have always been allies.

The twins.
The twins are in Paris, right?

We can call them. They could help.
Let me see your phone.

Okay, but I'm only supposed
to use this for business calls.

Hey, don't...
You're on the wrong side of the road,
you snail-eating puffs.
Fuck off! Go on, you Gaelic
fucking garlic-breath tossers!

Piss off!
Get in here and say that,

you froggy Itie shities!
- Fucking beep!
We'll beep, you bastard,
all over your fucking nose!

Get out of the way! Piss off!
Hey, lads!
That wanker's got
a frog football shirt on!

Let's give this nancy
a fucking good kicking!
