Exorcist: The Beginning

A Christian church, circa 5 A.D.
No, it's not possible.
The Byzantine Empire
had adopted Christianity at that time...

but they never got that far south.
Nevertheless, there it sits.
The British have financed
a dig to uncover this church.

We believe a rare object waits inside.
We'd like you to find it
and bring it back to us.

So you think I'm a thief?
Now you think I'm a thief
and a whore.

No. Simply a man
who's lost faith...

in everything except himself.
You know nothing about me.

You're an Oxford-educated

an expert in religious icons.
You were a priest before the war.
So what happened?

This is a leather impression of
the artifact we're looking for...

a representation
of a mythical demon.

It's Sumerian. What makes you
think it's in a church in Africa?

A Major Granville in Nairobi
is in charge of the dig.

He's been persuaded to let you join it.
You're assuming that I will say yes.
You already have.
March! Left.
Left, right, left. Left.

Left. Left, right, left.
Left. Left. Left, right, left.
Left, right, left.
Left. Left. Left, right, left.
