First Daughter

- ## [ Continues ]
- Somethi ng wrong with Sam.

[ President ]
Are you sure? It's an election year, remember?

[ First Lady]
She could use a little down time.

Starti ng November 5,
she can have all the down time she needs.

[ Woman ] Mr. and Mrs. LatifMoratee,
President Mackenzie, First Lady...

- Samantha.
- Hello.

- Good to meet you.
- Nice to meet you, Samantha.

- [ Foreign Language ] Please.
- [ Foreign Language ]

This way.
We have press conference
at 9:00. To Marine One, 9:1 5.

To AirForce One at 1 0:00.
Travel time, four hours, 59 minutes.

Twenty-five minutes
to destination Redmond Univ--

Hold that thought, Liz.
[ Sighs ]

Let's pretend that tomorrow
I'm heading offto college.

- Mm-hmm.
- I grab my bags, which I packed myself.

I throw them into
my adorable collegiate car...

next to my cooler that has a beer hiding
underneath the bologna sandwiches.

My parents cry.
Their only child is growing up and so forth.

And then I do it.
I drive offlike the normal,
run-of-the-mill kid that I am.

Youshouldat least weara ball gown.

Ignorance is bliss.
What can I say?

I say, good night,
normal, boring girl.

And you better hide that beer,
because under the sandwiches--

that's the first place
they'll look.

- Duly noted.
- Goodnight.

- [Door Closes ]
- [ Sighs ]
