First Daughter

Can we hear what you have to say,
or do you only do what Daddy tells you?

[ Crowd]

[ Crowd Dejected ]
All right, there you go. Another Mackenzie
running away from the real issues.

- What was that?
- Freedom of speech.

They have the right
to express their beliefs.

Okay, the freedom goes both ways.
Why don't you get to speakyour mind?

- Fine. You wanna know what I think?
- Yeah.

Well, I think
my father's administration...

gives a great deal of attention
to his domestic agenda.

- Take his college tuition--
- Blah, blah, blah. End of sound bite.

It's kind ofhard to get that stuff
out ofyour head, huh?

Well, I know only one thing
that can definitely help.

What's that?
[ Yelling, Whooping ]
I should change.
I don'twanna ruin the outfit.

It can only improve it.
- ##[Woman SingingSlow Pop]
- Come on, Sam!

##[Continues ]
[ Shrieking ]
- Hey, you okay?
- Yes. You?

I'm Sam. Remember?
- Hey,you guys, get outta the way!
- You coming or not?

Lambda Zeta Phi!
Watch and learn!
[James ] Come on, we're going again.
Wait a minute,James.
Wait up! Hey!
- [Sam ] Excuse me,James?
- ## [Fades ]

Um, I had a really good time with you
on the slide last night.

No. Hey,James,
what's your major?
