Five Children and It

- Bacon?
- Yes, please.

- The Supersaurus was 200 feet high!
- I know that.

But if you want to see a reaI monster...
Ow! What was that for?
- Boiled egg, Jane?
- Mm. Yes, please.

Thank you. Ooh!
What did you two get up to yesterday?
Horace showed me his laboratory.
And his collection of monsters.
He's got dozens pickled in jars.
- Eugh, that's really disgusting.
- Most of them were rubbish.

- Hey!
- But he has a dinosaur in an egg!

That's a secret.
Now you have to tell me a secret of yours.

Well... yester...
- Robert! Robert, no. Come here.

Put me down!
Hey, get off. What are you playing at?
You're bound to mention It.
- So?
- It's our secret.

And Horace is so nasty.
He's odd, but he's not so bad
when you get to know him.

And he has his own laboratory.
Where he collects monsters
and pickles them in jars?

- Yes.
- Think what he'd do to It.

Er... yes. Good point.
Don't mention It in front of the pickler.
What are you whispering about?
And what's It?

- Ah... well...
- Er...

It's a game of hide-and-seek. You're it.
You count to a thousand while we hide.
A thousand? Isn't it usually 20?
Well, it's such a big house
and Jane and I are only girls...

Oh, fine.
One, two, three...
I hated saying, "We are only girls. "
- Where are you going?
- Here's a clue.

- It rhymes with "hand hairy".
C YRIL: Oh, no.

No way. We're not going back.
You saw all the trouble that wish got us into.
Oh, look, this must be the pole
that's been sticking up Cyril's...

Back off! You can insult me all you like, but...
Thanks, but I'll save that for later.
I'm going, whether you're coming or not.
