Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

You know a lot of happily
married people, Sam?

'Cause I don't.
Yeah, I know all that.
I care about you, okay.
But I just don't have those kind
of feelings for you.

I'm sorry.
I'm not in love with you.

- All right, all right.
- Understand?

Sam, I'm sorry.
No, l-- I--
I mean-- I can grow.
As long as there's a mutual respect,
that kind of thing can grow.

I'm realistic.
I can accept that.

What is love anyway?
It's a mutual respect.
It's a devotion.

It's a caring
from one person to another.

And if we could set up
some kind of foundation...

based on that mutual respect...
I feel eventually you
would care enough about me...

that I could live
with that.

If it doesn't work out,
doesn't play out...

then what happens to me?
You know I'm doing well now,
and I'm gonna do even better.

And so whatever happens...
if it doesn't work out
between us...

I'm gonna make sure you're okay
for the rest of your life.

And if there are kids,

I'll take care of you
better than you'd ever imagine.

What are you pitching me?
Just what I said,
you'll be set up...

for the rest of your life,
that I can promise you.

Want to take a chance?
When I married Ginger,
I knew all the stories.

But I didn't give a fuck.
I'm Sam Rothstein, I said.

I can change her.
