Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

I feel eventually you
would care enough about me...

that I could live
with that.

If it doesn't work out,
doesn't play out...

then what happens to me?
You know I'm doing well now,
and I'm gonna do even better.

And so whatever happens...
if it doesn't work out
between us...

I'm gonna make sure you're okay
for the rest of your life.

And if there are kids,

I'll take care of you
better than you'd ever imagine.

What are you pitching me?
Just what I said,
you'll be set up...

for the rest of your life,
that I can promise you.

Want to take a chance?
When I married Ginger,
I knew all the stories.

But I didn't give a fuck.
I'm Sam Rothstein, I said.

I can change her.
It was typical Ace.
He invited the biggest people
in town, and he knew they'd show.

Because he knew they all wanted
somethin' from him.

With Ace, nobody ever got
a free ride, even Ginger.

With her, he still
covered his bets.

They had to have the baby
before they could get married.

He even made Jenny and me
watch Amy for a few days...

when they went
on their honeymoon.

But I didn't mind,
we loved the kid.

Can you feel my eyes on you?
Can you feel me
look into your heart?

Can you feel me
in the pit of your stomach?

Can you feel me in you?
In your heart?
Don't make me come there.
Answer me.
I love you.
But, baby, do you know
that I love you too?

- No, Lester.
- Do you know that?
