In Good Company

You're smiling!
This is funny to you.

Guess what? You have no idea
what a nightmare you're about
to step into, my friend.

[door opening]
We'll see how soon
this plaCe goes down
the poop Chute without me.

Maybe there is justiCe
in the world.

You enjoying yourselves?

[phone ringing]
[Gone For Good
by The Shins playing]

Untie me,
I've said no vows

The train is getting
way too loud

Carter is ready for you.
I gotta leave here my girl
Get on with my lonely life
Dan, uh,
I'd like you to take a look
at one of these forms for me.

It's a 360 evaluation.

It's basiCally an evaluation
from every angle.

That's why it's Called a 360.
It's Corporate poliCy.
But it would be great
if I had it by Monday.

If you really want
to get aggressive,

to penetrate that
Core demographiC--

I believe that--
Dan, not now.

Sports America
is the number one magazine,
boys 13 to 18 in the Country.

I spent 12 long months
on the lam

That's enough sitting
on the fence

[Kim on answering machine]
Hi, leave me a message
or don't.

[machine beeping]
Hi, it's me.
I mean, you know it's me.
Uh, just filling up
the old mailbox.
So give me a Call

or don't.
And go out of my head
You love a sinking stone
Here, boy.
That'll never elope
So get used to
the lonesome

Oh, hi, Mrs. Cherneski.
No, I didn't know
he moved out.

tell him Carter says hi.

Here, boy!
Here, boy!
(male announcer)
And he is dropped
right on the goal line.
