Jersey Girl

Goodbye, Johanna
You're gone and yet you're mine
l'm fine, Johanna
l'm fine
OK. You see that floor.
Now look three windows in from the right.

See that window? That's where we
used to live before we lived with Pop.

We'd still live there
if we lived in the city.

- lf Mommy was still alive?
- Yep.

- Dad...
- Yes?

Do you miss Mommy?
l do. Every day.
- What was she like?
- l've told you a million times.

- l know, but l forget.
- No, l don't think you forget.

l think you just like to hear me tell you.
Which is OK. lt's all right.

You can ask about your mommy
as much as you want.

So tell me already.
Well, she was pushy,
like you were right there.

She was beautiful,
like you are right now.

And she was... smart...
and strong,
like you'll grow up to be one day.

l'm smart now.
l know. l wasn't impugning
your intelligence or anything.

What's ''impugning'' mean?
Oh, not so smart now, are you?
- That's a big word.
- Yes, you're right, it is.

Let's see.
To impugn means to criticize.

So... Pop's always impugning you, right?
Well, he thinks he is.
But he's just talking
to make sure he's still alive.

Pop is a very, very old man.
What do you think?
You like the city?

lt's OK.
But l like Highlands better.

- You do?
- Yeah.

My school's there, and my friends...
And we can rent movies there.

Well, if memory serves,
you can rent movies here too.

Yeah, but not from that pretty lady
at the video store.

- Oh, you think she's pretty, do you?
- Don't you?

lsn't that why
you're taking her on a date?

lt's not a date.
The only girl l take on dates is you, OK?
