Kakushi-ken: oni no tsume

So were you afraid of me
when you first came here?

My heart was pounding, sir.
I thought I might die any moment.

Is that really what you thought?
And here my heart was pounding...
...over this young girl
who'd come to our house.

Is something wrong?
I'm fooling with you, sir.
Well, of all the nerve!
Making fun of me!
Can you imagine that, Naota?

Now, that's a big mouth!
See, Bun? Your sister's Iaughing.
Watch your head!
No sleeping Iate tomorrow, now.
You've got to grow up right
and make a good wife of yourself.

Will you go as a bride again?
No. I've Iearned my Iesson.
When I'm better,
I'II just Iook after the master.

I owe him my Iife, after all.
Will you marry the master, then?
No. The master and I
are of different castes.

Different what?
What does that mean?
