
Move your arm.
Here. ls this better?
What's wrong with you?
Well, you seem to
just want to lie here...

and orchestrate
my entire performance.

l mean, l'd like to have...
a little creative
freedom, you know?

l'm sorry. l just...
l guess l'm just tired.
Do you want to stop?
No, no. l want to.
But here.
ls that OK?
lt's good.
When you do it with Emily,
is it good?

What? Yeah,
it's great. Why?

Well, lately...
when Greta and l do it...

it's kind of dull.
Well, how often
are you doing it?

l don't know.
A little less than
average, l guess.

l think your idea of average
is different than mine.

Well, maybe once a month.
Once a month? Are you
fucking kidding me?

lt's a little slow
right now. Big deal.

This is a big deal.
This is a huge fucking deal.

lt's a down cycle or something.
Once a month is reserved
for unpleasant things...

like her period or rent.
Banging your wife should not
go into that category.

We've been together
a while, you know.

lt's hard to keep things fresh.
Why do you think
l fuck around so much?
