
When you do it with Emily,
is it good?

What? Yeah,
it's great. Why?

Well, lately...
when Greta and l do it...

it's kind of dull.
Well, how often
are you doing it?

l don't know.
A little less than
average, l guess.

l think your idea of average
is different than mine.

Well, maybe once a month.
Once a month? Are you
fucking kidding me?

lt's a little slow
right now. Big deal.

This is a big deal.
This is a huge fucking deal.

lt's a down cycle or something.
Once a month is reserved
for unpleasant things...

like her period or rent.
Banging your wife should not
go into that category.

We've been together
a while, you know.

lt's hard to keep things fresh.
Why do you think
l fuck around so much?

What are you talking about?
lnfidelity is the truth serum
to any relationship.

Whenever l fuck another girl,
it's not as good as Emily.

l can cross one name
off the list...

and know Emily
really is the one.

So what you're saying is that
cheating on your girlfriend...

makes your relationship

Plus, the best sex
l ever have with Emily...

is right after
l fuck someone else.

Let me tell you about it.

l can't do what you do.
We're different.
For starters, l'm human.
That doesn't mean
you have to be miserable.

l'm not miserable, l'm married.
There's a difference.
