
So we smoke a J, right?
Next thing l know...
l'm doing these hot set
of nudes with her...

tasteful stuff, you know.
Well, mostly tasteful stuff.
Anyway, agent calls me...
all pissed off,
like, you know...

''What are you doing, dude?
She's only 18.''

l'm, like, ''Guy, l'm an artist,
you know. Back off.''

What are you doing?
What's the matter with you?

l'm not up for this.
You know what
you need to do?

You need to go out...
and you need to date
a little bit.

l don't want to date.
That's why l got married
in the first place.

Listen to me.
This is an unbelievable rap.

What are you talking about?
You're a dude who's been
brokenhearted by his wife...

who's become a lesbian.
She's not a lesbian.
l know she's not a lesbian...
but they don't
need to know that.

Appeal to the Florence
Henderson in them.

Let them nurse you
back to health.

Florence Nightingale.
What did l say?
Forget it.
Look, there are
plenty of hot chicks...

in this town, all right?
Here. Perfect example.
Look at that girl right there.

Ask her out. Hello!
This is my friend Dave.

Fuck her. l'm having
a party tonight.

There's going to be
plenty of tail there.

Just make sure you're there.
Heads up.
Sorry. l'm sorry.
Jesus Christ! l think
you broke my nose!

-l thought you were looking.
-l was looking at the girl!

You'll be all right.
Just be at my house
at 10:00 tonight.

Might want to get
some ice on that.

Yeah. Thanks.
l thought you were looking.
Fucking retard.
