
Besides, you ran the story
on the front page this morning ...

- May I have your autograph?
- WiII you be cutting schooI budgets?

No, we'II give you Ionger weekends.
Take care.
Nice meeting you aII.

What am I doing here
1 0 days before an eIection?

UIrik Torp wants an interview
at 5 o'cIock. I've booked a room.

- He bought it?
- Of course.

He's going to hit us with
Lone's hoIiday story.

InitiaIIy you act shocked, and
then you distance yourseIf from her.

- Have we got anything on him?
- I'II dig something up.

FoIIow me, pIease.

I'm gIad they have someone Iike you
at the DaiIy News.

I've read your features
on the environment. Great work.

I'm a journaIist myseIf.
Did you know that?

These were AkseI's.
Some performance theatre on Friday.

Life is too short
for performance theatre, right?

I have questions regarding
Mads KjeIdsen.

Yes ... But if Lone isn't invoIved,
it's not reaIIy the party's business.
