
FoIIow me, pIease.

I'm gIad they have someone Iike you
at the DaiIy News.

I've read your features
on the environment. Great work.

I'm a journaIist myseIf.
Did you know that?

These were AkseI's.
Some performance theatre on Friday.

Life is too short
for performance theatre, right?

I have questions regarding
Mads KjeIdsen.

Yes ... But if Lone isn't invoIved,
it's not reaIIy the party's business.

I hear Lone and Mads spent
ChiIdren's Trust funds on a hoIiday.

I don't know anything about that.
But it throws a new Iight on things ...

- If it's true, that is.
- ActuaIIy, I don't think it is.

I checked. There's no evidence
company accounts were miIked.

You'II have to ask Lone about that.
This seems rather convenient
for Lone's opponents.

Other candidates
for the Ieadership, for exampIe.

Are you running by any chance?
AkseI is our chairman, and as Iong
as he's aIive, he's our man.

But if need be, Lone has
my fuII support. I've said so before.

I wouIdn't make a point of repeating it,
if I intended to run, wouId I?

So you're not a candidate.
Can I quote you on that?

Are you having troubIe hearing me?
