
- Your taxi is here.
- I'II be right there.

So I shouId suck up to them?
- A poIitician trying to kiII off another?

Happens every day. It's taken us
years to gain the ParIiament's trust.

Listen, I have to go.
And the hoIiday story?
It's your story. If you don't
want to run it, we won't run it.

Forget the Dreier witch hunt.
It's amateurish.

- Who"s heading the party right now?
- AkseI Bruun is stiII our Ieader.

Our deputy chairman
stands in for him when he"s away.

WiII you be wearing that?
You know my dad: Men in
dinner jackets. Ladies in dresses.

- Why not eIect KjeIdsen now?
- It"s not party procedure.

We have a deputy chairman
for a reason.

But had AkseI Bruun died in the
accident, she wouId be chairman ...

That"s specuIation. I don"t see any
reason to discuss ...

- Honey?
- Yes?

- Why won't the doctors say anything?
- I don't know.

- I work at another hospitaI.
- But isn't it strange?

- Haven't you got a friend there?
- Yes. Lise.

I can't.
Dreier is stirring.
Tomorrow"s editions back him.

- One editoriaI is criticaI of you.
- Is Mads' case swinging things?

No. You"II be chairman tomorrow.
I promise you.

Hans Erik ...
I'II caII you Iater.
