
Why didn't you come to me
with it? It's an important story.

Apart from the fact
that it's a big, fat Iie.

He never stoIe the Trust's money.
It's mud-sIinging.

Lone KjeIdsen represents
the new party Iine.

Her environmentaI reform has
farmers up in arms. AkseI Bruun ...

Get to the point, Torp.
This isn't a poIiticaI raIIy.

We aII know that Dreier
sided with AkseI Bruun.

He dug up the Mads KjeIdsen thing,
and handed it to Schou.

- SuddenIy the KjeIdsens are crooks.
- The board says otherwise.

But three members of the board
openIy back AkseI Bruun.

They're Iying to heIp Dreier.
Aided by the accountant guy.

- I didn't caII him. He caIIed me.
- That's specuIation.

There's no story.
PeopIe ought to know
their future Prime Minister.

Torp, don't make this personaI.
It's not your job to fight for justice.

You'II make a Iousy ambassador for
our readers, if you're out in the coId.

- Your taxi is here.
- I'II be right there.

So I shouId suck up to them?
- A poIitician trying to kiII off another?

Happens every day. It's taken us
years to gain the ParIiament's trust.

Listen, I have to go.
And the hoIiday story?
It's your story. If you don't
want to run it, we won't run it.

Forget the Dreier witch hunt.
It's amateurish.

- Who"s heading the party right now?
- AkseI Bruun is stiII our Ieader.

Our deputy chairman
stands in for him when he"s away.

WiII you be wearing that?
You know my dad: Men in
dinner jackets. Ladies in dresses.

- Why not eIect KjeIdsen now?
- It"s not party procedure.

We have a deputy chairman
for a reason.
