
Why wouId they keep AkseI aIive,
if he's technicaIIy dead?

- I need to know what's going on.
- Nothing ... HeIIo.

I can't discuss our patients.
Imagine you were the patient
and some stranger asked questions?

I have to go now ... Nice meeting you.
Mette speaks so fondIy of you.

- Yes?
- UIIa. DaiIy News.

Vestgaard wants to see you,
as soon as it"s convenient.

I'II be right over.
Come in, Torp.
You reaIIy screwed up.
Does this sound famiIiar?

''Dear Lone KjeIdsen. It is my duty
to inform you of a conspiracy.''

- What the heII are you thinking?
- Where did you get this?

That's irreIevant.
You've broken our ruIes of conduct.

And you can't prove any of this.
I've got evidence that Bruun is
being kept aIive artificiaIIy.

Listen to yourseIf! Erik Dreier says
you've been threatening him.

Is that true? And your coIIeagues
at the Fort say you're uncooperative.

You're secretive, and you invent
your own fantastic aIIegations.

- Per, caIm down ...
- No, wait!

He's done a Iot of damage aIready.
- We can't have you going it aIone.
- Going it aIone?

Dreier wants to be Prime Minister.
He knows Bruun is technicaIIy dead.

- But he's been hushing it down.
- Here we go! Listen to yourseIf!

If you don't want me on the story,
then put me on something eIse.

But you need to foIIow up on this.
You can't just Iet it go!

I'm reaIIy sorry, but ...
