Le Dernier tunnel

at 13:30.
Can I go now?
I got Smiley to get the stuff
shipped through Toronto
and Halifax.

The gas tanks are from a supplier
in Quebec City... safe guy.

- The explosives?
- There shouldn't be any problem.

Even DM12?
- With the new restrictions...
- No problem.

That's good.
We need more of that! That too.
Where's the generator I asked for?
The Mackendrick is outdated.
We use this one now. Much better.
Dunleavy has a new model.
Much higher performance.
- Did you try it?
- No, but...

Fuck the salesman talk.
Until it's tested, we use this one.
And... Turcotte!
Easy on the dope, OK?
The employment office...
might have a job for me
in a garage.

It's nothing much...
But the boss wants to see me tonight
when he closes at 21:00, so...

To start with,
it's better than nothing.

Not only that,
so many people
pass through a garage,

I might get a chance
to hand out my resume.

Don't laugh, it's true.
You took so many courses in prison,
shouldn't it help?

For what it's worth...
With a bit of luck, Marcel.
Fred might need your help.
If not him, someone else will.
