
You're acting like a bloody lunatic.
If this weren't the middle of nowhere,
I'd say you were lost.

- Hi. Is this Sam Toomey's house?
- It is. I'm his wife.

Well, is he around?
'Cause I'd kinda like to talk to him.
I'd like that too,
but Sam's been dead for four years.
Your husband worked
with a guy I know, Leonard Simms.

That's right.
They served together in the U.S. Navy.

How is Leonard?
Still in the service?
Uh, he's, um... retired.
Anyway, he told me about Sam...
...hearing something.
- You're talking about the numbers.
- Yes.

The numbers. Exactly.
Do you know anything about them?
Sam and Leonard were stationed
at a listening post

monitoring long-wave transmissions
out of the Pacific.

Boring job. Sam hated it.
Nothing to do but listen to static,
night after night.

Until one night,
about 16 years ago,

there's something in the static.
A voice comes through,
a voice repeating those numbers
over and over again.
Couple of days later,
we're at the fair in Kalgoorlie,

and some wally there's got this jar,
must have been big as a pony.

It's filled to the rim with beans.
Fella's offering 50 grand to anyone

able to guess how many beans
were in that jar within ten.

- Sam used the numbers.
- Yep.

The answer was exact to the bean.
