Main Hoon Na

It won't affect him
He can't hear me

Can you hear me, dad?
He never hears me
Nothing matters to him, mom
Dad, I'm talking to you
You don't care, right?
When I fail, you don't care
When I don't come back home
in the night...

you don't worry about me, right?
Why don't you scold me when
I don't cut my hair? Scold me, please

Why don't I fear you
when I secretly smoke, dad... Why?

Do you care?
You love me?
Do you hate me?
Anything... anything
I hate you
I hate you, dad
And I hate that swine
I hate him, Mom and
I hate his bastard son!

Are you okay?
Can you both not forgive him?
It's too late, Ram
It's too late for him
What are you watching, Lucky?
The most lucky guy in college
