National Treasure

Þeir notuðu stuðbyssu.
Hann man ekki neit.

Og við fundum kúluhylki.
- Gáfu hinir verðirnir lýsingu?
- Hvaða verðir?

Þeir sem skotið var á.
Það voru engir aðrir
verðir hérna niðri.

Hver skaut?
Á hvern var skotið og af hverju
kom þeim illa saman?

Þú getur ekki gert

á sjálfstæðisyfirlýsingunni
í bíl á ferð.

herbergi er tilbúið.

Búningar. agnalofsíun.
allt saman.

Við getum ekki
farið þangað.

Af hverju?
Þeta er hann. Dr. Chase
kynnti hann sem hr. Brown.

Ekki á gestalistanum.
Að sögn afgreiðslukonunnar
virtist koma fát á hann.

Reyndi að fara með efirmynd
af sjálfstæðisyfirlýsingunni.

Hann borgaði með Visa.
Dkuldfært á Benjamin Gates.
They got him with a Taser at the service
entrance. He doesn't remember a thing.

Also, we found bullet casings.
Did we get a description
from the other guards?

- Which guards?
- The guards that were fired upon.

There weren't any other guards
on patrol down here.

who was shooting,
who were they shooting at,

and why weren't they getting along?
You can't seriously intend
to run chemical tests

on the Declaration of Independence
in the back of a moving van.

We have a clean-room environment
all set up.

EDS suits, a particulate air filtration
system, the whole shebang.

- Really?
- We can't go back there.

What? Why not?
This is the guy. Dr Herbert said
Dr Chase introduced him as Mr Brown.

Not on the guestlist.
Now, the gift-store clerk - she said
he seemed... Well, she said "flustered".

He tried to walk out with a copy
of the Declaration of Independence

without paying.
He paid with a Visa.
"Charge to Benjamin Gates. "
A credit-card slip?
