New York Minute

Would you mind giving your sister a lift?
- Not at all.
- It wouldn't kill you to spend time together.

Breakfast was great, but I got to go.
Okay. Well, then, take this, okay?
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Love you.
- Love you too. Good luck.

- I hope you don't get caught.
- I won't.

- Let's get the show on the road.
- Think about a car wash.

You might wanna think
about buying a car.

- I'm saving up for college.
- That makes one of us.

Mind putting on the radio?
- Not at all.
- What is this?

Too cool for school.
Where are we going? We have
26 minutes to get to the station...

...and I can't be late.
We just have to make a pit stop
at my manager's.

Wait, you have a manager?
- Howdy, Rox.
- Hello.

- Come on in.
- Thanks.

- So how's the party?
- It's going great.

We're on a marathon mission.
