
Ivan Kuzmich, try to understand!
-We need to sort it out.
- People will.

Who? I've known him
for three years.

I've been in the party
for seventeen years.

I'm used to believe
that everything
that party did and does and what will do

is rational and just!
If Slava wanted to stay here
just had to break with his father.
The father, who was considered
as a betrayer by People's Court.

Who is your father? A musician?
Yes, he is. Not quite.
He's a conductor.
He conducts
an orchestra in a cinema theatre.

You know, in an orchestra, which plays
some simple stuff before movies start.

-You know what I mean?
- Of course, I do.

Listen, I'm telling you,
he's a very suspicious fellow.

He's been here for forty minutes.
Assistant station-master Belyaev.
Show me your documents.

Just a minute.
Here they are.
Where are you heading to?
To the Dormitory
of the Moscow State Conservatory.

- To see someone?
- My son.

As a surprise.
Everything's fine.
Come to the train, please.
Thank you.
Come here.
