Rois et reine

And I'd follow two yob nurses
from the Stasi? You're insane!

We're not committing you,
just taking you in

for treatment.
But I'm fine. Screw you up the ass!
Stop that.
Save that look for the nutters
in your shithole hospital.

It's my normal look.
- I don't think so.
- Sir...

That rope in the living room,
what's that for?

What rope?
The one with a noose,
hanging in the living room,

with a stool below.
I'm not suicidal, okay?
I understand,
you see the rope, the chair

and leap to conclusions.
But I just need to know
that I can do it.

Though I never will.
Isn't there something similar
in Cicero or Seneca

or the Stoics?
Quite frankly, I'm not that well
but I'm not suicidal.
Don't make things difficult, sir.
Time to go now.
You're not taking me by force?
Grab his hands!
Bastards! Help!
I'll strangle you serpents!
What's going on?
I'll flatten you swine!
Give him a full shot of Droleptan!
He's had two of Clopixol!
Half then, but a heavy dose.
It'll kill him!
He's wounded me!
Jab him through his trousers!
Give him the juice!
I'm morphine-resistant!
I'm wounded.
Wait outside.
Marie-Christelle, the door!
