Rois et reine

There you go.
I'm looking for Arielle Phénix.
I'm looking for Arielle Phénix.
I'd like to talk to Arielle Phénix.
How come you're here?
The hospital told me you were out.
It's my house-cooling.
Fuck, are there this many of you
in Sinology?

Just 12.
I guess people like parties.

I'm celebrating my departure.
I'm going back to Besançon,
I'm gonna be hospitalized there.

I'm here to make
some solemn declarations.

I need to talk to you in private.
That'll be tough.
That way.
I've come here to apologize.
I've hardly called you,
I've never written,
I haven't been to see you once
in hospital.

I don't want an apology.
I don't regret anything, you know.
If I've hurt you, I'm sorry.
That's the best I can do.

My love...
Do I scare you?
Why would you?
I must scare you.
You're young and beautiful.

So? Is that a crime?
Let me get down on my knees!
You're trembling.
Because I'm about to open up
my heart to you.

I was wild before I met you!
