Inspector Chan! Get the hostage!
Open the manhoIe cover!
There! Quick!
Get down!
Are you aIl right?
I'm fine, disperse the crowd
Go! Give me back my money!
Thank you, Officer Chan
He's crazy
In stocks, some win, some Iose
Throw the book at him
Put him in jaiI
I'd be broke if everyone's Iike him
Who are you?
Here's my card
I'm Eric Chow
CalI me if you want to speculate
Don'tjust stand there, move it,
coIlect the evidence
Yes, sir. l'Il heIp you
Good thing you wore two bulIetproof vests
Look at you, so you've got a few awards
So proud of yourseIves
You think we're that good?
Chiu, you worked crowd control
How did alI those people get past you?
AlI the reporters became hostages as weIl
A lot of peopIe could have been hurt
Were you controIling the crowd
or was the crowd controIling you